How can I get from Baños to the Amazon Rainforest?
To hire a private driver from Baños to the Amazon Rainforest is an excellent option. Most of the traveler requires more time to enjoy the jungle. But, some of them does not. Therefore, this is a good chance to visit the rainforest in a single day.
Certainly, the only way to reach the Amazon Rainforest in a few hours is hiring a private driver from Baños.

What can you see on the way to the Amazon Rainforest?
From Baños take the main road to the city of Puyo. During the trip you can make a few brief stops to admire some waterfalls. Especially, those that are located on the road, such as the Agoyan waterfall, Manto de la Novia and Pailon del Diablo. Undoubtedly, the scenery along the Pastaza River Canyon is fantastic.

What can I do in the city of Puyo?
After passing the Pailon del Diablo, it is evident the dense vegetation that covers both sides of the Pastaza Canyon. One hour later, you will arrive in the city of Puyo, considered the gateway to the Amazon Rainforest.
Then, you can take a tour of the Botanical Garden. This walk is done along the river. In the same way, you can observe a great variety of plants and orchids.

Afterwards, we will go to the community of Wayury Llacta to learn a little about the traditions and customs of this Kichwa people. You can also hike through trails to observe medicinal plants and many varieties of birds.

In addition, it is very exciting to take a boat ride on the Puyo River. Above all, these boats have been built by the local people.

Afterward, we will head to the Indichuris viewpoint. Without a doubt, it is one of the most dazzling in the area.
I want to make sure your trip is comfortable and safe. Therefore, I suggest you hire private transportation or a private driver that will make your trip an unforgettable experience
You can do this trip from hiring a private driver from Baños to the Amazon Rainforest in one day, or you can also choose one of my itineraries for a more complete adventure. Do not miss it!
For more detailed information about hiring a private driver to accompany you throughout your trip, do not hesitate to contact me