Devil’s nose train ride: The Most Exiting Train Ride in The Ecuador Andes

The train ride to the Nose Devil's is one of the most exciting adventures travelers should experience. The adventure begins in Alausi, a traditional, typical village in the Ecuadorian Andes

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The train ride to the Nose Devil’s is one of the most exciting adventures travelers should experience. The adventure begins in Alausi, a traditional, typical village in the Ecuadorian Andes that preserves historic architecture from the 19th century.

Where is Alausí?

Alausi is located 4 hours drive from Quito. On the way you can observe picturesque landscapes, cross fertile valleys, majestic mountains like Chimborazo and the pleasant Colta Lagoon.

The trip starts at the Alausi town station from where the train descends almost vertically to the canyon of the Alangasi River. As a result, it is a 300 meters descent. The trail follows the canyon most of the way.

Why is its name Devil’s Nose train ride?

Once the train reaches the top of the mountain, at the bottom of the canyon, a gigantic triangular rock appears in the form of a grotesque nose. Consequently, they called it the Devil’s Nose. In order to cross the edge of the mountain, the train has to make several zig-zag maneuvers. When arriving at the vertex of the rock, it stops, after that, an operator switches the rail, then goes backward, and finally changes to go forward.
Subsequently, the train continues to Zibambe station. In this place, you can observe crafts of the Nizag people, made with agave fiber.

I want to make sure your trip is comfortable and safe. Therefore, I suggest you hire private transportation or a private driver that will make your trip an unforgettable experience.

I strongly recommend doing this exciting Devil’s Nose train ride in two days. However, you can also choose one of my itineraries for a more complete adventure. Don’t miss this incredible adventure!

For more detailed information about hiring a private driver to accompany you throughout your trip, do not hesitate to contact me

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