I will give you some 10 Bets Travel Tips To Ecuador. These will be helpful and will make your trip a wonderful experience.
I’m a local resident, and I’m up-to-date on everything travelers should know about Ecuador. Why do you need to know the 10 best travel tips for Ecuador? Because as a private driver, I’ve traveled everywhere in Ecuador, I know the customs, the traditions, and I make my living from tourism.
10 Best Travel Tips to Ecuador
1. Travel Tips for getting Money.
Usually, the local bank’s max per withdrawal is $300-500 US. Depending on your bank back home. Maybe it is not enough, so you should repeat your retreat every day. Most restaurants, hotels, and tourist agencies accept credit cards. Therefore you should only carry a small amount of cash for daily expenses. It is not advisable to carry a lot of money.
The $50 and $100 bills are rarely accepted at most shops and restaurants, and small change is often in short supply, so bring plenty of low-denomination bills from your home country if possible.
2. Weather
In Ecuador, the climate varies depending on the region you want to visit. In the Sierra the best time of the year are the months of May, June, July, July, August until mid-September. This is the dry season. There is no rain, there is a lot of wind and it is advisable to visit the mountains.
If you are going to visit the coast, the best time of the year is December, January, and February.
If you want to go to the Amazon Rain Fores, the best months are from May to December. However, nowadays the climate changes have also influenced a lot in Ecuador, therefore, the weather will sometimes be unpredictable.
3. Tips for Language Speaking
One of the drawbacks in Ecuador is the language.Most local people do not speak English, so it is important to speak basic Spanish or hire private transportation with a bilingual driver. Ecuadorians are very friendly and feel more comfortable with foreigners who speak their language.
4. Travel tips for Public Transportation
Some travel tips for Public transportation in Ecuador are useful. Transportation in Ecuador is cheap. It is not recommended to travel by bus. If you have to travel long distances, it is better to do it during the day. It is very important to take your luggage with you. Taxis are very affordable. A short taxi ride shouldn’t cost much more than $5 USD. Otherwise, you’ll have to negotiate the fee with the driver. Don’t be afraid to haggle! In rural areas, a taxi might actually just be a pick-up truck.
The best way to know Ecuador is hiring a private driver or private transportation with a local bilingual driver.
5. Suggestions for Accommodation
You can find low-cost lodging if you go to hostels, $8 / person with a shared room. The price of private rooms starts at $15 to 25 /person in a standard hotel.
Avises For Food and Eating Out
6. Water tips
First of all, as you have already read that everyone recommends not to drink tap water. It is important to carry your own water. The best thing to do is to buy a gallon of water for $1.50 and fill your bottle whenever you need it.
7. Tips for Restaurants and food
Meals typically cost between $3-5 for local food. You can find food stalls on the street for around $1-2 but they are not recommended. Good restaurants cost around $10-12. For a meal at a mid-range restaurant, expect to spend around $25 per person. If you’re planning on shopping, go to the local market. Indeed, buying 1k. of bananas and a kilo of apples cost $2. Ecuadorian beers can cost as little as $1 USD each. Expect to pay a premium in bars and restaurants for alcohol, especially in the cities.
Ideas About What to Bring
8. Sun-screen.
Because we are located on the equator, the sun’s rays are more direct and can burn and hurt you. Therefore, sunscreen should be applied regularly, even when it is cloudy or cold. In addition, you should bring a hat and wear a long-sleeved shirt.
9. Mosquito repellent advise
I suggest bringing your own mosquito repellent, especially if you are visiting the coast and the Amazon Rain Forest. Even in the cold weather, if you visit a waterfall or a river, there will be mosquitoes.
10. Bathing Suit.
In many of the places you will visit in Ecuador you will find hot springs, waterfalls, or small rivers in the cloud forest that will challenge you to get in there. So, don’t forget to bring your bathing suit!