Do you need a private driver to visit Quitsato Sundial?
The Quitsato sundial is located north of Quito at a 1-hour drive. That is to say, It is the first monument to the Middle of the World that is exactly on the equator. It has a metal cylinder where you can observe the shadow of the sun at each solstice and equinox.
The monument is close to the city of Cyambe and also has a spectacular view of the Cayambe Volcano. If you are on a tour to Otavalo, ask your private driver to stop for a moment to visit Quitsato.
If you want a few minutes to stand over the equator line and take a photo without too many other tourists, this is a very good place to do it, Certainly, less touristy than the other sites. This is easy in, easy out place. There are guides to give you a brief explanation in English about the equator and some history on how it was named.
What is the best season to visit Quitsato?
The best months to visit this site are March and September. In Ecuador, we do not have the four seasons as in other northern countries. Therefore, we have two Equinoxes and two Solstices. The Equinoxes occur twice a year, between March 19th and 21st, and September 20th to 23rd. The Solstices occur between June 20 or 21 and December 21 or 22.
In the months of March or September, when the sun is exactly in the center at 12 noon, it is not possible to observe any shadow. Most importantly, this is a unique spectacle in the world and we can observe it here in Ecuador, the Middle of the World.
Traveling through this area would not be complete without a stop here and at nearby Hacienda Guachala, for a cup of coffee or hot chocolate! Further, the panoramic view, the explanations and discussions about our planet, which way it rotates, which way is north, etc – makes for a refreshing stop. Many people don’t ponder how we fit in this amazing solar system, but after visiting Quitsito, one feels a bit more connected to our planet.
Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know About the Andean Cosmovision and the Quitsato Sundial
In the Andean cosmovision, the first Equinox is celebrated on March 21st. Above all, it was considered by the Andean Indians as the beginning of a new year. It was the time of flowering, of the appearance of the first grains of corn. Therefore they used to make many rites, ceremonies, and festivals in honor of the Sun and Mother Earth. Our Indians already knew thousands of years ago the calendars for planting and harvesting which were based on the Equinoxes and Solstices.
On the equinox, it was also very important to renew the sacred fire. Three days before the celebration, all the fires were extinguished. After that, on March 21, in the early hours, at sunrise, the ceremony began. At noon, when the sun was at its midpoint, they placed a golden bowl with firewood in the middle of the cylinder. Then, with the rays of the sun, the firewood was lit. The oldest of the community passed the fire to the youngest and these distributed it to all the houses. This fire was kept until the next year.
I want to make sure your trip is comfortable and safe. Therefore, I suggest you hire private transportation or a private driver that will make your trip an unforgettable experience